Financial Offer


ENISA, a public company under the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism, through the Directorate General for Industry and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, actively takes part in the financing of viable and innovative business projects. Its aim is to promote the creation, growth and consolidation of Spanish companies, actively taking part in the financing of viable and innovative business projects and in the venture's dynamisation capital market.

Types of projects the funder seeks to support

The following programmes are available as specific lines of financing for entrepreneurs: 

ENISA young entrepreneurs 

ENISA entrepreneurs 

ENISA growth  


Digital entrepreneurs


Amount of funding available

ENISA young entrepreneurs: 25.000€ - 75.000€ 

ENISA entrepreneurs 25.000€-300.000€ 

ENISA growth 25.000€-1.500.000€  


Digital entrepreneurs 25.000-1.500.000€ 



ENISA young entrepreneurs  

Your company must have been incorporated not over 24 months prior to application. Most of the capital must be in the hands of natural persons not older than 40 years of age. The partners must contribute at least 50% of the loan, either through capital or equity. 

ENISA entrepreneurs 

Your company must have been incorporated for a maximum of 24 months prior to application. Your equity must be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan. Co-financing of the financial needs associated with your business project. 

ENISA growth  

Your own funds must be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan. Co-financing of the financial needs associated with your business project. For loans approved for more than €300,000, you must have your financial statements for the last closed financial year externally audited. 


Co-financing of the financial needs associated with the business project. The company's own funds shall be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan. A company applying for an Enisa loan needs to show a balanced financial structure and professionalism. The company receiving an Enisa loan, for an amount greater than €300,000, must have its financial statements for the last closed financial year audited externally. 

Digital entrepreneurs 

Co-financing of the financial needs associated with the business project. The company's own funds shall be at least equivalent to the amount of the loan. A company applying for an Enisa loan needs to show a balanced financial structure and professionalism. The company receiving an Enisa loan, for an amount greater than €300,000, must have its financial statements for the last closed financial year audited externally. 


Target applicants

ENISA young entrepreneurs  

Young entrepreneurs under the age of 40 with innovative entrepreneurial projects. 

ENISA entrepreneurs 

Entrepreneurs who want to create companies with a clear competitive advantage.  

 ENISA Growth  

Entrepreneurs who are considering competitive improvements for their SMEs, a consolidation, growth or internationalisation project. 


Participatory loans may be obtained by small and medium-sized agri-food companies throughout the value chain, which develop innovative and/or technology-based activities, with special attention to those with the capacity to generate quality employment for young people and women, and which undertake the necessary investments and carry out their business project by basing their activity on the generation of new products, processes or services. 

Digital entrepreneurs 

Participatory loans may be obtained by small and medium-sized emerging or growing companies in which one or more women hold a relevant position of leadership or power within the company: in the shareholding, in the administrative body or as part of the management team. This line is aimed at both start-ups and companies that are considering a consolidation, growth or internationalisation project. 


Example projects funded


Current calls for proposals/applications

ENISA young entrepreneurs  

ENISA entrepreneurs 

ENISA Growth  


Digital Entrepreneurs 




Investments, Lending

Competent, Semi Pro, Pro

25.000 € - 1.500.000 €



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